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Product Advantages

▋Comparison of Touchscreen Panel and Traditional Pump Controller

  • Large size of LCD interactive touchscreen making the majority of pump data easily be read and simplifying the operation of pump system.
  • Capacity for massive data storage and availability for data analysis.

Traditional handheld console

▋Visual Machine Status

Includes three indicator lights that can describe different conditions giving a sophisticated view of the pump’s operation.

greenlight Green : Operate / Standby mode
yellowlight Yellow : Warning
redlight Red : Alarm

▋Realtime Run Chart

Run Chart Function: Monitoring of pump data is easily accomplished with Data Logger.

▋Idle Mode

Single Touch NORMAL/IDLE Mode switch

With the idle mode capability and user friendly One Touch rotational speed adjustments, the usage of these dry pumps supports optimum operating costs reduction.

▋Eco Mode

Intelligent Eco Mode: Depending on process or application requirements, We can custom programming that pump will automatically run ECO Mode which keeps the pump running at very low speed or normal speed.

In combination with Idle and Eco Mode, the usage of these dry pumps supports optimum operating costs reduction.

ECO Mode use 54~72% less electricity than normal

(Each unit can reduce electricity 0.7~1.1 KWH, and save about 6048~9505 KWH per year)

▋HOT N2 Mode

HOT N2 Mode – Thermal Fuse protection   Hot N2 can keep whole pipe in high temp to prevent by-products condensed in pipe, eliminate the condense around dilute N2 spot, eliminate the condense at inlet of scrubber.

▋Real Time Controls and Monitors via the Cloud

The data of the pump system can be monitored and controlled constantly through the cloud server which users can easily access and manage the pump system remotely.


功能 說明
國內在地化生產 所有機械零件均在台灣生產,不受任何情況之影響可依照客戶要求快速製造,供貨穩定。
人機觸控畫面 獨家使用人機介面,操作執行簡易,並可直接顯示所有資訊,圖控式操作,簡化流程。
雙變頻電控系統 採用雙變頻電控,在線路上不但配線少、可靠性高,防禦干擾能力強,程式修改簡單、可彈性控制。
內建式HOT N2加熱配件(選配) 可搭配自帶HOT N2配件功能,可透過觸控面板設定溫度並監控加熱裝置狀態,無須額外安裝於機台外部。
回朔監控功能 採用半自動化遠端監控,且可搭配雲端方案,同時監控機台狀態,亦具備CMS完整區域性。
內建UPS系統 斷電/跳電抗壓降時間長達6秒。
視覺燈效模式 採用LED模組,快速辨識機台狀態。
智慧可控綠能(怠速)模組 運用靈活轉速與怠速模式結合作為標準功能,可進一步節能,可減少電力成本。可設置轉速與時間與主機台連線並配合主機台run貨時間
特殊塗層採用 針對高腐蝕性的嚴苛製程,可搭配特殊塗層方案,進一步提升抗腐蝕性,提高使用壽命。
客製化抗腐蝕材料(選配) 材質選用上針對HUSH製程等使用相當於不鏽鋼同等強度以上兼有耐腐蝕性的高鎳合金,不但抗腐蝕性佳,膨脹係數極低,機構穩定性高。